Can you get in touch directly with my banker


The procedure is different depending on the type of borrower insurance change you are making and the date of purchase of your loan.

You make a change of insurance of real estate loan thanks to the law Hamon because your loan was subscribed less than 12 months ago:

In this case, we will let you join before your banker is solicited. Indeed, the procedure defined by law, is first to join a new loan insurance (with a new insurance start date sufficiently long so that you are not doubly covered) and then to request the termination of your current insurance to your banker.
We will send you a template of cancellation letter to send, it will simply have to fill the necessary fields and specific to your loan and your insurance.
Of course we will be able to respond to your banker’s requests if there are any, including the equivalence of the guarantees of the proposed contract.

You make a change of insurance of loan of real estate on anniversary date thanks to the law Chatel and the law on the annual cancellation because your loan was subscribed more than 12 months ago:

We will send you a guide to help you change your insurance by email, in which you will find all the legal elements, as well as models of letters, to exchange with your banker.
Of course we can advise and assist you in this change, but you will remain your banker’s main point of contact.

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